July 28 & 29, 2018 | Waiting: Hope Deferred

Dr. David Whitaker 

1 Samuel 27-30 

Curious about our new brand? We would love for you to listen as Dave begins his message by explaining the new brand and its symbolism, as well as our heart behind it. We are so excited for all that God is doing at MHBC, and absolutely love that you are a part of it. Keep tuning in to hear about David's major compromise when he becomes tired of being chased by Saul, and the consequences that result of Him choosing his own way instead of God's. It is the perfect reminder for us to choose obedience over compromise, no matter how tempting a pity party may be. 

Watch, listen or download Hope Deferred to hear more! 

Angela Mannino

Creative Designer | Morgan Hill Bible Chruch