MH Kids partners with families to help children grow in a vital relationship with Jesus Christ.

Check out different opportunities for kids and parents to connect with community!

MH Kids

MH Kids Club meets on Sundays at 8:00am, 9:00am & 10:30am!

Kids services can be experienced in person or online!

What to expect in person:

When you arrive, head to the MH Kids Check in table on the courtyard. Our staff and volunteers will be ready to welcome you and help your child find the right community group.

What to expect online:

Scroll to the end to find our weekly service videos for preschool, K-3rd and Preteens! Watch anytime, new videos will be posted each Sunday.

Questions? Contact

guest family connect card

Hi new families, welcome to MHBC! Want to know what’s going on in MH Kids? We have events and fun stuff happening throughout the year, take two minutes to fill out this quick info card and we will make sure you receive the latest!

community egg hunt

april 12, 9:45AM-10:45AM | magical Bridge Playground

We are teaming up with Community Christian Church for an epic Easter egg hunt! Bring the whole family and friends too, we will have thousands of eggs to find and need your kids help! No registration required.

community egg hunt volunteers

April 12, 8:00am - 12:00pm

Community Christian Church and Morgan Hill Bible Church are partnering together to host an Easter Egg Hunt at Community Park - Magical Bridge Playground on Saturday, April 12 from 9:45 - 10:45 and we need a team of volunteers to help make this a fantastic event for our community!   

preschool playtime

January - May, 9:00 - 10:30am | MHBC Campus

Join us this winter/spring for indoor preschool playtime at MHBC!  We are inviting preschoolers, along with their parents and older siblings, to come be a part of the ultimate playtime: fun toys, soft play structures, and obstacles for the kids, and coffee and gathering time for the adults! Playtime is more fun with friends, so be sure to share this event with the other preschool parents in your life, and get ready for some fun.
*Registration is requested, and a waiver will need to be signed for each child participating. 

kids day camp

June 16-20, 9:00am - 12:00pm | MHBC Campus

Registration opens March 23rd!

MH Kids presents "LIVE IT OUT" Kids Day Camp. Don’t miss the biggest party of the summer! It’s a week full of laughter, field games, friendship and music as we discover how to love like Jesus! Our week long day camp ends with a GIANT CELEBRATION for the whole family on Friday, June 20th at 6:00pm. For kids entering Kinder - 5th Grades (2025-2026).  

I give you a new command. Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. John 13:34 (NIrV)

$65 per child. Registration required.

soccer camp

july 14-18th | MHBC Campus

Upward Sports and MHBC are teaming up this summer for kids in our community! Join us for a week of fun as we build soccer skills while building athletic, social and spiritual abilities that can possibly last a lifetime. Everyone plays, everyone participates and having fun is always the goal!

Registration is required: Opens march 2nd.

volunteer to serve MH kids

we need your help!

If you love crazy games, lots of laughter, and teaching God’s word, this might just be the perfect fit for you! We need volunteers to help serve our Mh Kids ministries. This opportunity is incredibly rewarding, and flexible on your time and schedule. To volunteer or find out more information, email Pastor Shani.

MH Kids Online

Little Kids

Birth - 5 years old

At MH Little Kids, we give preschoolers their first impression of their Heavenly Father by embracing their needs and inciting wonder for God and His creation.

Big Kids

1st - 5th grade

At MH Big Kids, we partner with parents to share Jesus with them so they can grow an authentic faith. We want them to enter middle school knowing that they can trust God, make a wise choice and treat others the way they want to be treated.

Parent Cue

Download the Parent Cue app today! Once you download the app, choose Morgan Hill Bible Church and find everything MH Kids in one place!

Kids baptism

Interested in learning more about getting your chid baptized, or just curious? Click below for more information and insight to children’s baptism!

Contact Shani Verdon.